NAME Architecture
Dear architects, this discrepancy originate from the schematic representation of the section of building C2 on page 52. In reality, buildings C2 and C2e, along with the technology enclosure on the roof, reach a total height of 50 meters. Regarding the size of these height accents on C2+C2e as specified by the regulation, we are fulfilling the rule which is described on page 51 of appendix 2: "The position and area of the dominant/accent are determined in the underlying file (dwg.), where a minimum of 25% of the footprint area of a dominant´s typical floor must be located within the defined dominant area (The area of graphic symbol in the form of "squares" with a height of 50 meters). Simultaneously, the maximum Gross Floor Area (GFA) of any floor of the dominant must not exceed 1,700 square meters."